Two New TADS in the City of South Fulton

South Fulton Proposed WestSide TAD

Two New TADS in the City of South Fulton

How a TAD works

Location: Fulton Industrial Boulevard, City of South Fulton, GA

Client: South Fulton Downtown Development Authority

KB Advisory Group is proud to have assisted the City of South Fulton in creating the municipality’s first two Tax Allocation Districts (TADs). As noted in the Saporta Report, Bleakly wrote the Redevelopment Plan that South Fulton’s City Council approved on October 27, 2020. As discussed in the article, “TADs are tax tools intended to promote growth,” and the “City of South Fulton has taken tangible steps to promote a projected $2 billion in growth” on the west and east sides in the next 20 years.


Click here to read the full Saporta Report article.